GitHub powered comments for a static website

after implementing and then removing indieweb's webmentions, i still kept thinking about a good way to allow comments on this website. a good way for me is:

and last week this post poped up in my rss feed. it's written in russian, so i'll summarize it briefly.

the author noticed that disqus (a cloud comments engine) that he uses sends a lot of garbage js requests and decided to fix that. the fix is neat: use github pull requests to create website comments.

i really like the idea, so now my website has comments that work in a silimar (yet a little beter) way! here is how:

  1. i have a github action to create a new comment. it's really simple: given a author name, url and comment body, create a new .md file with the coment body like this:

    pathname: "/posts/blog/cluster/"
    author-name: "Nikita"
    timestamp: "1664822102"
    comment body
  2. a sveltekit form to trigger action via http:

    <form method="POST" use:enhance>
      <!-- author name input -->
      <label for="author_name"> Your name: </label>
      <input name="author_name" type="text" required />
      <!-- challange text -->
      <label for="solution">{data.challange} = </label>
      <input name="solution" type="text" required />
      <!-- comment body -->
      <textarea rows="3" name="body" type="text" required />
      <!-- url pathname to link comment to the page -->
      <input name="pathname" value={$page.url.pathname} type="text" hidden />
      <!-- input challange for validation -->
      <input name="challange" value={data.challange} type="text" hidden />
      <input type="submit" value="Comment" />
  3. some server-side typescript to trigger the action:

    import { solve } from "$lib/challange";
    import { invalid } from "@sveltejs/kit";
    import type { Actions } from "./$types";
    import { env } from "$env/dynamic/private";
    const trigger = (inputs: any) =>
          method: "POST",
          headers: {
            Accept: "application/vnd.github+json",
            Authorization: `Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}`,
          body: JSON.stringify({
            ref: "master",
    export const actions: Actions = {
      default: async ({ request }) => {
        const data = await request.formData();
        const body = data.get("body");
        const author_name = data.get("author_name");
        const pathname = data.get("pathname");
        const solution = data.get("solution");
        const challange = data.get("challange");
        if (body === "")
          return invalid(400, { message: "Message can not be empty" });
        if (author_name === "")
          return invalid(400, { message: "Please, fill in name" });
        if (solution === "") {
          return invalid(400, { message: "Challange solution is empty" });
        } else if (solution !== solve(challange as string)) {
          return invalid(400, { message: "Wrong solution" });
        } else {
          const res = await trigger({ body, author_name, pathname });
          if (res.status !== 204) {
            return invalid(500, { message: await res.text() });
          } else {
            return {
              success: true,
                "Thanks! Your comment will appear after moderation. Check in later!",

and that's it! thanks to sveltekit, the implementation is both nice, js-free and i don't need to think about hosting